Monday, June 29, 2009

Myelography (Myelogram)
Myelography (Myelogram)

To visualize the contour and diameter of the spinal canal (located inside the spinal canal and containing the spinal cord and nerves) a myelogram may be ordered by your physician. This test involves injecting a chemical substance referred to as 'contrast' or dye into the dural sac (the fine tissue that encases the spinal cord ane nerves) and obtaining either X-Rays or a Cat Scan to outline the dimensions of the canal and contour of the individual nerves.

A myelogram is particularly useful in evaluating spinal cord and nerve root compression (i.e. Spinal stenosis, spinal cord compression?. Myelography may also be particularly useful in evaluating spinal problems in the setting of previous spinal surgery where instrumentation was placed. In such cases MRI and other tests can be difficult to interpret due to the metal which has been placed in the spine.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Orthospine - Medical Tests and Imaging Studies

Medical Tests and Imaging Studies

Directing the appropriate care of a patient suffering from a spine condition requires making a correct diagnosis of the problem at hand. Although this may appear simplistic and self evident, the diagnosis of a spinal disorder can be a challenging undertaking. Identifying the source of pain or dysfunction in the setting of spinal pathology requires assembling information gathered from a patient's description of his/her problem, a good physical examination and proper medical tests. After collecting this information, placing it in context of the known natural progression of the disease/condition at hand, a treatment plan can be designed. It is thus evident that medical tests are crucial in establishing the proper diagnosis in a patient suffering from a spinal condition and in directing effective medical care.

One single medical test cannot offer all the necessary information needed to make a clear diagnosis of a spinal condition. Each test gives specific information that can help define the medical problem present. In most cases a physician will start with the most basic test and proceed to more sophisticated tests until a clear diagnosis has been made. Some of the common tests and imaging studies performed in evaluating spinal conditions include: X-Rays, Myelogram, CT Scan, Bone scan, Arteriogram, discogram, MRI, EMG, Sonogram, and Blood tests.

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